“Water Cube” starts the transformation project to “ice cube”

“Water Cube” undertakes water competitions such as swimming, diving and synchronized swimming. After being transformed into “ice cube, the venue will undertake cold water jug and wheelchair cold water jug competitions during the 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympic Games in Beijing.

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, December 26 (reporter Kong Xiangxin, Li Jiarui) the reporter learned from the Beijing Major Project Office on the 26th that the “Water Cube”, a landmark venue in the central area of the Olympic Park, officially began to be transformed, start the gorgeous turn towards the “Ice Cube.

According to the introduction, the transformed National Swimming Center will add cold water jug venue functions in the competition hall to meet the needs of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and the Winter Paralympic Games; At the same time, the underground ice rink will be added in the south square, serve the mass ice fitness and popularize the cold water jug movement. The venue will complete the transformation task of permanent facilities in July 2020 to meet the needs of holding the Winter Olympics test competition.

“Water Cube” is the landmark venue of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. After taking on water competitions such as swimming, diving and synchronized swimming, it was transformed into “ice cube, the venue will undertake cold water jug and wheelchair cold water jug competitions during the 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympic Games in Beijing.

Yang Qiyong, general manager of the National Swimming Center, the operating unit of the venue, introduced that according to the transformation plan, the “ice cube” will add the ice function based on the water function of the “Water Cube, that is to say, in the middle of the competition hall, through the construction of a convertible structure and the installation of a detachable ice-making system, a cold water jug field with four standard tracks is formed.

The transformation process of the venue will focus on the convertible ice rink structure system, cold water jug hot and humid environment, cold water jug Stadium sports lighting, five topics including comprehensive energy conservation of venues and acoustics of venues and buildings were launched. After the transformation, the “ice cube” will not only increase its functions, but also realize intelligent upgrade. The brand-new intelligent building management system will effectively control and monitor the changes of temperature, humidity, lighting, acoustics and so on in the venue, provide a good environment for the Winter Olympics Cold water jug competition.

The “ice cube” project realizes the conversion of “ice” and “water” functions through transformation, and the “ice cube” after transformation realizes “ice water two-wheel drive”, it will become one of the most representative double Olympic venues and a model for repeated utilization, comprehensive utilization and lasting utilization of sports venues.

The relevant person in charge of the Beijing Major Project Office introduced that there were 8 venues in the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics Beijing division, which were transformed by using existing venues. In addition to the National Swimming Center, the national stadium will begin to be renovated at the end of the year. At that time, all the five reconstruction venues planned to start this year will achieve the construction goal.

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